
Letölthető múzeumpedagógiai feladatlapok: 

9-10. osztályosoknak: Középkori keresztrejtvény Feladatlap

7-8. osztályosoknak: Kincsek a kiállításból Feladatlap

7-8. osztályosoknak: Ki kicsoda a középkori történelemben? Feladatlap


Pincétől a padlásig bebarangoljuk Esztergom zegzugos Királyi Várát, egészen a látóhatár végéig megcsodáljuk az egykori királyi és érseki birtokokat a Fehér Torony legmagasabb pontjáról és még a lovagterembe is bebocsátást nyerhetünk. Amit garantálunk: felejthetetlen történelmi kalandozás, izgalom, érdekességek minden mennyiségben…



Információ: Kisjuhász Viktória múzeumpedagógus +36 70 642 7532


Múzeumpedagógiai bemutatkozó kis videónkat pedig megtekintheti:  ITT!  



The Esztergom Castle Museum is a continuously developing, visitor-centred institution within the walls of a national monument site unique in Europe. It aims to become a distinguished cultural and educational centre, embodying the spirit of European culture. Its central tasks are development, research and documentation related to the Royal Palace, a heritage of international importance, with the essential goal of conservation for future generations. Operating as a regional and civic cultural centre through transmitting authentic historical knowledge and working to bring down the walls between nationalities by exposing Esztergom’s European significance is the core mission of our institution. Also fundamental to the institution is the involvement of younger audiences: we work together closely with several elementary and secondary schools, as well as one special school to provide an extraordinary, exciting and adventurous experience of learning about history, beside numerous extra-curricular activities. Scientific work is also a mission of the institution: as well as scientifically studied and published, beside participating in the scientific life of the town, the region and the country, and collaborates with national and foreign museums, institutions and organisations. We have been working to make the Castle of Esztergom a point of social connection, a place worth returning to for visitors of all nationalities.     Mission Statement The Esztergom Castle Museum is a prestigious, high-standard, continuously developing, visitor-centred institution within the walls of a national monument unique in Europe. It aims to become a distinguished cultural and educational centre, embodying the spirit of European culture. Its central tasks are development, research and documentation related to the Castle, a heritage of international importance (as illustrated by the European Heritage Label), with the essential goal of conservation for future generations. In the definition of development goals, as well as during operation processes wide professional and social control is employed. Our programme is designed with the objective to bring down the walls between nationalities, exposing Esztergom’s European qualities. Our events provide context for means of alternative communication, connection and dialogue, such as music, theatre, fine- and applied arts, or digital technology. Also fundamental to the institution is the engagement of younger audiences: we work together closely with several schools to provide an extraordinary, exciting and adventurous experience of learning about history.